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‘Awoke the sleeper agent’: Man tries to calm down rebellious dog at the pool, but accidentally says the word that puts him into attack mode

"Ellie, you have to stop now." Famous last words.

Image via TikTok/@extracrispynyc

Dogs are man’s best friend and occasional rebellious teenager. You bring home a cuddly ball of fluff, raise them with love, and then one day they decide to test the limits of your authority.

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Here’s the thing — training your dog is crucial. If you don’t establish clear boundaries and properly train your pup, you might just end up with a viral TikTok video on your hands. 

In a video posted by @extracrispynyc, we see an adorable Labrador channeling their inner “pooch-nanigans.” As the exasperated owner pleads, “Ella, stop. I’m destroyed right now. Oh, no, Ellie, you have to stop now. You’re gonna learn,” the labrador’s eyes sparkle with mischief. The allure of the glistening pool proves too strong to resist. 

The moment of truth arrives when the person behind the camera naively suggests, “Maybe say sit.” Little do they know, they’ve just uttered the secret code that unleashes Ella’s inner beast. With a mighty leap that would put Olympians to shame, Ella soars through the air, like a cannonball, and makes a surprising belly flop onto the unsuspecting cameraman. TikTok users wasted no time in dissecting the hilarious clip. “Sit was definitely her Ella’s trigger word,” one user astutely noted. Another quipped, “You didn’t say sit where.”

Ella’s calculated decision to jump was not lost on observant viewers, with one commenting, “I saw her make the decision in her eyes long before they realized.” And, of course, Ella’s impressive aerial skills earned her a legion of fans, with one user declaring, “She said, ‘Actually, you two are gonna learn…I can fly!'”

While her antics are undeniably sidesplitting, they also serve as a reminder of the importance of proper dog training. According to the Decatur Veterinary Hospital, basic obedience training is essential for all dogs, regardless of breed or size. Not only does it help to establish a strong bond between owner and pet, but it also ensures that your dog will be well-behaved in a variety of situations. 

Imagine, for instance, you’re hosting a dinner party, trying to impress your boss and their spouse. Just as you serve the main course, your untrained dog decides to leap onto the kitchen counter and snatch the beautifully roasted chicken. Your guests are horrified, your boss is questioning your ability to manage anything (let alone a department), and you’re left chasing your dog around the house, pleading with them to drop the bird. It’s not a good look, and it’s definitely not the kind of impression you were hoping to make.

Of course, even the best-trained dogs can have their moments of mischief. As any dog owner knows, sometimes you just have to laugh at your furry friend’s antics and appreciate them for the lovable goofballs they are. However, the point is, that having a well-trained dog is always a good idea.

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