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‘Craziest day of my life’: Woman finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her, moves to L.A., and lands new job all in the space of 24 hours

"This was an entire movie plot and I love it."

TikTok screenshots via @katelynBossy
Screenshots via TikTok

Sometimes life comes at you fast, but even so, it’s not usually as fast as the 24-hour period that saw TikTok user Katelyn squeeze in more life-changing events than most of us would experience in a year.

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In a video that’s like one of those movie trailers that gives away the whole plot in two minutes, Katelyn takes us on a breakneck tour of what she describes as “the craziest day of my life” — and, given everything that happens, we’re inclined to believe her.

The inciting incident for this whirlwind adventure? A personal betrayal. “I just found out my boyfriend was cheating on me,” Katelyn casually reveals, with all the drama of someone telling you their DoorDash is two minutes late. Whereas many would crawl into bed and devour a tub of ice cream at this point, Katelyn was spurred on to dive into the unknown, telling the camera that she’s “taking this as a sign from the universe” that she needs to switch things up.

And “switch things up” is a phrase that here means “move to L.A. on a whim without any prior planning the very next day.” Uprooting your entire life is a lot of work, but clearly Katelyn believes working hard means you have to play hard too as she still went to a club that night.

7am the next morning, Katelyn finally got home and proceeded to sleep until 3pm — just four hours before her one-way flight to Los Angeles. A frantic packing session later, Katelyn miraculously managed to make her flight — albeit it with an extra $200 charge due to her additional luggage. Apparently, she needn’t have bothered, though, as when Katelyn finally reached the City of Angels at 1am she discovered none of her bags had made the journey with her.

But, wait, her day still had one last major twist to come. Katelyn made fast friends with the Uber driver taking her to where she was staying and not only did this woman give her an inspiring “life lesson” she also offered her a job. So, all in all, Katelyn managed to run out on her cheating boyfriend, relocate to L.A. and land herself a new job within just 24 hours. That would leave anyone else with their head spinning like Linda Blair, but Katelyn somehow took it all on the chin.

“And you are this calm? Girl!” reads one comment, while another was very much here for the total anarchy of how Katelyn lives her life: “This was an entire movie plot and I love it.” Also the way she appears 100% unfazed by everything that happened to her is a lesson for us all. As someone put it, “I admire this level of unbothered.” Another commenter thinks this was all meant to be: “The way everything fell into place is a clear sign that man was NOT for you and to pursue your dreams girlllllll HAVE FUN.”

Those of us who prefer a bit more structure and stability in our lives might get vicarious anxiety from watching Katelyn’s crazy day, but actually her wild story reminds us that spontaneous behavior can be highly beneficial to your mental health and wellbeing. As per one 2012 study published by Psychol Sci, doing the same thing every day leads to a decrease in memories whereas spontaneous activities generate more longer-lasting and treasured memories and increase general life satisfaction. A similar 2021 study by J Pers Soc Psychol found that a spontaneous way of living can decrease stress.

Clearly, a little spontaneity goes a long way. Literally, in Katelyn’s case, as it took her from Miami to L.A.

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