At least once in every reality series, one overly confident person proclaims “I’m not here to make friends.” But what if someone was cast on a reality show and they’re the bad friend everyone in their social circle is mad at?
TikTok user @mellababe shared the intense moment when she and her friend group realized that their former pal was going to be a reality star. She wrote, “explaining to the room how our deepest best friend hurt and betrayed us more than anyone else ever and then dropping the bomb” that she was cast on The Bachelor. No way!
As one user wrote, “I need every single morsel of this story.” Is it even possible to watch the above TikTok and not agree?! A commenter also wrote, “Host a weekly watch party I BEG OF YOU.” That’s the only course of action. Another praised “the slow motion laughing” of the video, which was definitely a nice touch.
It’s hard enough running into your former BFF out and about, whether they were a classmate or coworker. I can’t even imagine seeing them on TV. That’s too intense for words. Tragically, Bella didn’t explain the reason for the betrayal, and one can only hope she will share it someday (soon, please?). Whatever it was, a real BFF who is deserving of the title would never do anything to hurt their pals, so it must have been terrible. I’m going to make a wild guess that this friend group isn’t rooting on their former bestie and hoping she finds true love on The Bachelor.
This betrayer isn’t alone, though. According to a study by Uswitch, 43,200 people searched for the application for The Bachelor on Google annually. That’s a massive pool of applications for the casting directors and producers to choose from. I’m sure all of these potential cast members are there for the right reasons… Jen Glatz wrote about her three experiences attempting to be cast on the show for The Huffington Post and shared that many women she spoke to said they wanted to be chosen so they could be “famous.” So, that basically just confirmed what everyone was already thinking.
There’s some sad evidence that people don’t have as many friends as they get older. Sure, these people probably don’t get cast on The Bachelor, but some of these relationships might fall by the wayside because of painful situations like the one Bella experienced. According to a study from Finland in 2016, people keep forming new friendships, but that stops when they turn 25. Then they keep losing friends. When people relocate or even find love, they tend to have fewer people in their lives, which is heartbreaking. However, while having fewer friends might be inevitable, no one wants to imagine their social circle dwindling.
Right now, my imagination is running wild wondering how this bestie hurt the people she supposedly called her friends. According to Buzzfeed, many people reported having friends who snuck around with their partners behind their back, didn’t treat their new relationship with respect, or bullied them. Since Bella and her group sound heartbroken about whatever happened, I’m willing to guess it was something particularly gruesome. I’ll be refreshing her page to see if she shares an update soon… and tuning into The Bachelor to try to guess who Bella is talking about.
Published: Jan 22, 2025 12:06 pm