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‘Protect this man at all costs’: Boyfriend goes above and beyond on date day, prompting hopes for a proposal, but he’s got something else in mind

'Didn't see that plot twist.'

Screengrabs via @Official.HomeSweetHome on TikTok

There’s a running joke on the internet that a girl always knows when she’s getting proposed to.

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People notice the put-together outfits at beach proposals, their perfectly done manicures, and blown-out hair, and know that that girl knew she was being proposed to. Nobody goes through all that effort for an everyday beach date.

To confirm further that no man can surprise his girl with a proposal, some women have posted TikToks of the hours leading up to their proposal to document their suspicions.

Although, for one creator, those suspicions didn’t exactly predict events how she thought they would. Brittany’s boyfriend told her they were going to have a day they would never forget, kicking it off by taking her to her favorite lunch spot. Then, he went and bought his girlfriend a new dress.

As the day progressed, she took videos of her left ring finger, thinking that the super special day would end in a proposal. He then paid for her to get her nails done, a signature sign of a proposal, and was suspicious about getting ready for their evening plans.

Those evening plans? Not a proposal, but a hot date to Despicable Me 4, complete with Brittany’s boyfriend in full minion cosplay, face paint, and all. However, his commitment to the theme did have him hoping that he didn’t run into anyone from work.

He even commented at the end of the video, wondering why she’d been taking videos of her hand all day. Who would’ve thought that the signs for a proposal were so similar to the signs for a spontaneous-themed, Despicable Me date?

Commenters seemed to agree that the outcome of this particular date was even better than an actual proposal. Some of them even encouraged her to imagine how good the proposal date would be if this was what he does for a movie date. Pretty much everyone agrees that despite the disappointment of no proposal, this guy has some pretty obvious green flags. And should that proposal come around eventually, with or without yellow face paint, commenters have given Brittany their stamp of approval. In their eyes, he is definitely the one.

The best of both worlds really would’ve been if he took her on this very dedicated Despicable Me date and then also proposed in full minion garb and all.

Brittany’s boyfriend didn’t add that cherry on top but you could take notes for your next potential proposal. Or just take inspiration for your next opportunity to cosplay as a minion.

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