Mansplaining is a real problem. Some men feel inclined to assume the fairer sex requires their assistance and step in whenever a woman attempts a task they deem “masculine” to give unsolicited advice on how to do it. You’ve probably all seen the famous video in which a professional golfer is practicing her swing at a driving range, and some random guy shows up uninvited to critique her technique.
One of the more common examples of mansplaining tends to involve cars (mechanics assuming all women know nothing and talking down to them as though they’re children, for instance). Well, an absolute boss lady has gone viral on TikTok for flipping the switch on unwanted mansplainers while she changed her tire. In the 54-second video, uploaded by @christina_nomadak and filmed by her partner (who says she “picked a good one” in the clip), a small group of men have gathered to watch Christina change her tire and tell her how to do it properly.
However, as an expert on the subject, she brilliantly plays her Uno reverse card and explains how to do it to them in more detail than they could dream of, sublimely telling them to “Pay attention now.” Now, it should be stated that help should always be appreciated when it’s needed, but in this instance, one of the men literally says, “I was watching you so I could correct you.”
When Christina replies, “You’re watching me, SO you can correct me?” he says, “Yeah.” Then, when she says, “You’re assuming I was gonna do something wrong?” he says, “Yeah” again, and he seems deflated to admit she’s “doing everything right.” The legendary response to mansplaining garnered a lively reaction on the popular video-sharing platform.
How did TikTok react?
Justifiably, there was a lot of anger towards the men. Some irritated users’ comments included, “‘So I can correct you’ would have been the last straw,” “‘I was watching, so I could correct you’ absolutely sent me!” “The fact that he fully admitted that he was only watching you so he could correct you. INFURIATING. You handled them like a pro,” and “‘I was watching you so I could correct you…’ I would have lost it!!!! Lost it!!!!!!”
Others mockingly pointed out that the men still didn’t catch on that the woman was making fun of them, writing things like, “the way he’s still not getting it,” “‘You get that?’ They don’t girl but you did amazing,” “The laugh the guy gives off thinking he’s in on the joke… They never get it,” and “did they completely not grasp that she was making fun of them?”
However, most people simply wanted to praise Christina for the handling of the situation. They wrote things like, “She is a legend. She is an icon,” “You not only reflected their mansplaining but did it with utmost grace. You’re a freaking hero,” “‘Pay attention now…..You see, the trick about these…..’ I’m in love,” “I want to grow up to be this calm and unaffected. You handled this way better that I could have,” and “‘Pay attention now.’ Love that!”
In November, Jeffbet surveyed over 2,000 women in America about mansplaining. Some of the key takeaways included that 56% of women have experienced mansplaining at work, and 73% of women think mansplainers are unaware of their mansplaining. Guys, come on, be better.