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‘Saving it for later’: Sister’s hunt for a charger through brother’s bedroom leads to a thoroughly chilling find

It's enough to put you off your dessert.

TikTok screenshots via @college.cast
Screenshots via TikTok

Fun fact about bedroom doors: they can be seen by everyone but your sibling. Brothers and sisters are always barging their way through into their sibling’s rooms without so much as a knock. It’s their own fault what they find inside when this happens, but one TikTok user sure wasn’t expecting what she uncovered in her brother’s room when she ventured inside to borrow a phone charger.

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TikToker @college.cast revealed that she dared to cross over into enemy territory in order to find the juice booster. All she knew was that it was somewhere in the “cube thing” — one of those cabinets made up of nine square-shaped storage areas. In the bottom left square, however, she found something she was not prepared for. “Take a guess at what you think could possibly be in here,” she asks us. “You will never guess it.” And you know what? She was right.

After getting our imaginations going, @college.cast pulls open the drawer inside to reveal… a tub of half-eaten vanilla ice cream with a spoon poking out. “How is that real?” she asks, incredulously. Despite how stunned this TikToker was by the revelation, the rest of the folks on the app are nowhere near so surprised by this peak brother behavior. “This is the most brother thing ever,” one wrote, while another admitted that this guy is not alone: “Did guess it bc my brother used to do the same thing. Half our family’s silverware and plates/bowls were under his bed at any given point in time.”

Others couldn’t drag their eyes away from the stereotypical brother interior decor on display, which one dubbed “brothercore.” Another joked that “the old phone boxes holding up a frame is what got me actually.” Also, many were keen to appreciate just how much @college.cast sounds like the “I’m looking for a guy in finance” girl. “Thought you were making a rendition of i’m looking for a guy in finance lmao,” one — among several — shared.

Thanks to some hard-hitting investigative journalism, this writer can confirm that ice cream can be kept out of the freezer and in your room for a few hours before it goes bad. In fact, it’s likely @college.cast’s brother saw the same top search result when googling “can you keep ice cream in your room?” The number one result, a 2016 Quora response, warns that it’s best to store the ice cream on the floor of your room to keep it cool for longer — just as the brother did by putting it in the lowest row of his “cube thing.” This really gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “chilling in your room.”

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