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‘These aren’t even funny anymore’: HOA board member tries to break into woman’s home with his own ‘master key’ and no one can tell if it’s a skit

Some people just disappear into their roles that well.

Screengrabs via TikTok

Let’s get this out of the way for those of you who don’t know what “HOA” stands for. The acronym HOA is short for Home Owner’s Association, which is a governing body in certain residential subdivisions, typically made up of the homeowners in the area, which both makes and enforces rules that all homeowners in the subdivision must follow; examples include aesthetic rules, like paint colors and lawn growth, and more developmental examples, like land use, and even taxation.

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It sounds complicated, but the nuances of HOAs are quite simple; all someone has to do is be unusually cruel to small animals in a previous life, after which they will be reborn as a stickler for the association’s rules to ensure that absolutely nobody likes them in their new life. Don’t believe me? Take a look down below at this inch-perfect, Disney Channel villain-esque turn as a textbook HOA member from TikTok‘s @creatinetips.

The character is perfect; the bushy moustache, the Under Armour hat, the breathing strip on the nose, the sweatshirt-short combo, and the jarringly haughty demeanor in both the voice and the stance makes for the spitting image of the average HOA crony. The fact that he’s trying to get into a house that isn’t his and chewing out the owner for it is just the icing on the cake.

The caveat to this scenario, of course, is that this actually is this guy’s house. Indeed, @creatinetips has been carving out a niche for themselves with these idiosyncratic skits, the overwhelming majority of which star this man as this pristinely-crafted HOA caricature (which, sadly, isn’t as much of a caricature as we wish it could be).

But this is TikTok, and TikTok doesn’t just jump the gun on things; it full-on pole-vaults over the nearest artillery cannon. Several comments were quick to urge @creatinetips to call the police, express their horror at the situation, or otherwise attempt to set the world record for missing the point. Quick to counter were the @creatinetips faithful, who assured the newcomers (with varying degrees of snark) that a quick glance at the account’s bio would reveal all you need to know about their content-specific modus operandi.

Sometimes that’s just the satire game; artistically calling attention to the worst things on Earth often comes with the risk of others identifying you as a disciple of the thing itself (Starship Troopers, I’m looking at you), so kudos to @creatinetips for willing to take the necessary punches in the name of shaming HOAs; the work doesn’t get more divine than this.

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