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10 Questions We Have After Watching Marvel’s Luke Cage

Now that we’ve all seen Luke Cage (and if you haven’t, what are you doing here?), we know that it was another high-quality production from Marvel’s Netflix arm. A real treat for the fans, it had some great characters and a hefty dollop of social commentary on the side to boot.

3) Is IGH Behind Dr. Burstein’s Experiments?

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Though he saved Luke’s life at the request of Reva and then again when Diamondback shot him, Dr. Noah Burstein is definitely not to be trusted. In Luke Cage, we see him recover the info on Reva’s flash drive and set to work on Stryker. It’s all pretty sinister, and reminds us of some other individuals who like creating superheroes.

In Jessica Jones, we find out that a mysterious organization known as IGH is behind both the treatment that gave Jessica her powers and the red, white and blue pills that fuel Will ‘Nuke’ Simpson. Seeing as the shows are all connected – and Luke and Reva appeared in both – it only stands to reason that IGH were also behind the experiments on Luke, as well.

Not that that gets us any closer to working out what IGH – or whoever they really are – are hoping to get from these experiments. Or, more pertinently, when exactly we will find out. Will it be Luke Cage season 2, Jessica Jones season 2 or possible even The Defenders?

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