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The Cast Of Arrow Teases Oliver Queen’s Trial

Aside from maybe Gotham, Arrow has to be the DC show I'm most looking forward to seeing this week. After all, with Oliver Queen being on trial for crimes committed as the Emerald Archer and Tommy Merlyn resurfacing under mysterious circumstances, how could one not be compelled to tune in?

Aside from maybe Gotham, Arrow has to be the DC show I’m most looking forward to seeing this week. After all, with Oliver Queen being on trial for crimes committed as the Emerald Archer and Tommy Merlyn resurfacing under mysterious circumstances, how could one not be compelled to tune in?

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So, while we contemplate the myriad of ways that tonight’s offering could turn out, we at least have some insight from the cast to mull over. Having recently spoken with TV Line, a few key members of Team Arrow dropped some hints as to what we can expect.

Perhaps it’s Emily Bett Rickards’ comments that’ll raise the most eyebrows, as she had the following to lend:

“Oliver’s confidence level is pretty high, based off a plan that has been hatched. There are definitely a couple of Plan Bs in place that are about to explode….”

As for what a “Plan B” could be is anybody’s guess, but it’s hard to not keep circling back to Tommy, whom we’ll discuss momentarily. First, though, let the record show that lead actor Stephen Amell added this to the equation:

“There is, importantly, a backup plan in place for Felicity and William in the event that he is sent to prison. It’s not as though he’s simply going to leave them in Star City when it’s being overrun by a criminal enterprise.”

Well, at least Ollie has contingencies in place to keep his loved ones safe.

Getting back to Tommy, nobody gave us an inch regarding the parameters of his return, so we’ll just have to wait and see if he’s a doppelganger from another Earth, the Human Target in disguise, or someone else. At least David Ramsey did his job to hype up the comeback, though:

“This gives [Colin] something to chew on, which will be pretty cool to see. Colin was with us in the beginning, another one that just fit right into this family, so it’s always good to get him back.”

Of course, it’d be impossible to wrap up this discussion without mentioning who may be the biggest intangible of all, that being Black Siren. While some may think it’s a lock that her testimony will benefit Ricardo Diaz’s agenda, I’m not so sure, as we’ve been given hints that she’s about to jump ship.

Here’s what Katie Cassidy herself had to tease concerning what lies ahead for her character:

“There are going to be a lot of questions hanging, lingering… We never know what she’s going to do, and that’s fun. I love her candor.”

All will be revealed when Arrow airs tonight on The CW.

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