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Arrow Season Finale Review: “Unthinkable” (Season 2, Episode 23)

Well, here we are folks. After an exceptional year, Arrow's second season has come to a close, in one of the most action-packed television episodes in recent memory. The show made good on the promises and foundations its been laying all season long, which have all led to an epic final showdown between Oliver Queen and Slade Wilson, with the fate of Starling City hanging in the balance.

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As I mentioned before, the side characters were all given a chance to shine in this episode, to varying degrees of success. The Roy story was perhaps the best, as it was great to see him back in action and out of his Mirakuru-fueled rage. I felt like he’d really learned from the last few months, and I can’t wait to see how he changes now that Thea is out of his life, presumably for good.

Speaking of Thea, her arc was perhaps the least exciting, and took a bit of a backseat to the larger proceedings. The fact that she went to Roy, only to realize that Malcolm Merlyn was right about him and his lies, was satisfying, though I hope she’s given a bit more to do next season. So many of her decisions were fueled by the actions of those around her, and it’d be nice to see her take a stand and find her own path.

Diggle is often sidelined in this show, so the rare times he takes center stage are always engaging and exciting. It was great to see him in action again, taking on Amanda Waller with the aid of his once-sworn enemy Deadshot. Hopefully he’s given more of the spotlight next season, because he’s undoubtedly the most underused character on the show.

Sara’s story felt rushed this week, and I hardly felt any closer with her departure. After all she and Oliver had been through, both on and off the island, I thought she might have a more emotional send-off. But, I would bet that she won’t be staying away from Starling for long.

The supporting stories may have felt a little under developed, but the writers really nailed Oliver’s arc and brought things to a satisfying conclusion. I feel like he’s grown a lot this season, and has moved ever closer to the Green Arrow we know and love from the comics, rather than the dark, moodier iteration of The Arrow that we’ve seen thus far in the series.

Overall, while the finale may not have lived up to my bloated expectations, it was still a satisfying end to what has surely been a fantastic season. Though it lacked the same emotional punch as some previous episodes, Oliver’s journey felt complete and well served. I don’t know about you, but I’ll take that over jaw-dropping character deaths any day.

Additional Thoughts

  • I was really dreading the moment that Sara passed the Canary torch to Laurel, and shuddered when she handed her that leather jacket. They’re definitely laying the groundwork for a Laurel Canary in the future, and I’m still not quite sure how to feel about it.
  • Isabel Rochev was given a short shrift this week, though that was to be expected. Her biting the bullet rather early on gave way to the more important stories, which I’m okay with. With her gone, who gains control of Queen Consolidated?
  • I was quite surprised by the Oliver/Felicty love fake-out, but am intrigued to see where their relationship goes in season 3.
  • I really hope Det. Lance doesn’t die before finding out that Oliver is the Arrow. What a waste that would be!
  • How great was that Supermax Easter Egg? For those unfamiliar, David S. Goyer wrote a fantastic sounding Green Arrow movie called Escape from Supermax, something I hope we finally get to see on the big screen someday.
  • I’m glad that Oliver won’t be on the island for next year’s flashbacks, though I wonder what leads to A.R.G.U.S. dumping him there after they’re done with him in Hong Kong. I guess time will tell.
  • Is it Fall yet?
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