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Cress Williams Is OK With A Black Lightning-Arrowverse Crossover, Eventually

With superhero crossovers being all the rage these days - especially when it comes to the DC TV side of things - many fans were understandably champing at the bit for Black Lighting to unite with the Arrowverse upon its addition to The CW's prime time lineup. Not to be a downer, but we've been given several reassurances that such a thing is not on the immediate horizon in the time since Jefferson Pierce started tearing it up on the small screen.

With superhero crossovers being all the rage these days – especially when it comes to the DC TV side of things – many fans were understandably champing at the bit for Black Lighting to unite with the Arrowverse upon its addition to The CW’s prime time lineup. Not to be a downer, but we’ve been given several reassurances that such a thing is not on the immediate horizon in the time since Jefferson Pierce started tearing it up on the small screen.

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Regardless of whatever roadblocks may be encountered, a lover of these various series such as myself had to ask Cress Williams the burning question when I caught up with him at Motor City Comic Con last weekend. Basically, I was wondering if the desire for a crossover was even there, or if he wishes for his show to remain a standalone forever.

Here’s what he said:

“I wouldn’t say forever. We’re going into our second season and I really want to make sure that we explore all the possibilities of our world first. We’ve introduced the characters. I want to see Jennifer come into her own. I even want to see Anissa go through some ups and downs, and bring in some other characters.

“Our show is so different than anything in the Arrowverse and I don’t wanna compromise that. Logistically, we shoot in Atlanta when everyone else shoots in Vancouver, and I’m not excited about hopping on a plane in the middle of a season to have to fly all the way to Vancouver to film and fly all the way back to Atlanta. I don’t know how all of that works.”

Black-Lightning-and-Legends-of-Tomorrow (2)

Truth be told, Williams is absolutely correct when listing off the difficulties. He’d already laid out what’s on the docket for season 2 with us earlier, but we all know never to say never in this world. Fortunately, he had this to add:

“It would be great, maybe, down the line when our world’s fully established. I would love for somebody to come visit us.”

Knowing how The CW has pulled off a variety of smaller two-show crossovers in the past, something such as this could work. Personally, I’d like for Oliver Queen to take a trip to Freeland because I see certain similarities shared between the Green Arrow and Black Lightning, not to mention I just think those two guys would get along. But considering how The Flash also airs on Tuesday nights, it could make more sense if, say, the Scarlet Speedster were to race down there for some reason to be determined.

Assuming that Cress and the showrunners get to check off a good amount of their boxes in the coming year, I threw out the possibility of things coming together in season 3, to which he said, “yeah,” so fingers remain crossed. As usual, we’ll keep you posted on all Black Lightning and Arrowverse happenings regardless of whether the dream is made reality.

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