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DC TV Roundup: An Alien Apokolips & Prometheus’ Identity Revealed?

While Marvel and DC battle to see who wins at the box office, it’s virtually inarguable that it's the latter who dominates the small screen. Now having taken over four nights of the week when it comes to prime time programming, serialized superhero storytelling has swiftly become a cornerstone in the lives of many a geek these days.

1) Prometheus’ Identity Revealed?

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Given what’s developed in the handful of episodes to air thus far in Arrow season 5, it very much appears that Prometheus will indeed be this year’s big bad. And, like many masked villains in this shared universe, fans speculate week-to-week as to what their true identity may be.

This past Wednesday, “So It Begins” closed with a shocker suggesting that the beloved Quentin Lance is under the hood. His bearing of a forearm laceration identical to the one Prometheus received in a battle with Green Arrow and Artemis – in addition to a throwing star adorning his coffee table – caused a multitude of viewers to ask themselves what just happened. Add to that the knowledge that the throwing stars were forged from metal repurposed from Oliver’s old arrows sitting around in SCPD evidence holding and things aren’t looking good the father of two Canaries.


We cannot, however, rule out that this is a red herring as it seems highly reminiscent of the misdirection implying Roy Harper killed Sara Lance in season 3. I mean, why blow a mystery this early on? It could be a case of producers wanting to focus on the journey itself rather than the mystery, but this seems way too convenient.

If it does hold up, we must consider the possibility of Lance suffering some kind of psychotic break brought on by unimaginable trauma endured over the past few years compounded by a love/hate relationship with the Green Arrow. And hopefully they explain where he learned all those fancy moves because his training is on par with that of someone in the League of Assassins. Perhaps Flashpoint had some effects on him?

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