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DC TV Roundup: Green Arrow Slowly Gets His Groove Back, Legends Lose Grip On Reality

While Marvel and DC battle to see who wins at the box office, it’s virtually inarguable that it's the latter who dominates the small screen. Now having taken over four nights of the week when it comes to prime time programming, serialized superhero storytelling has swiftly become a cornerstone in the lives of many a geek these days.

1) Everybody Hates Eobard

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I have to hand it to DC’s Legends of Tomorrow for upping their game and topping this list for yet another week. Not only did “Doomworld” display some of the show’s stronger traits, but it was also a real treat for those who enjoy Elseworlds comics.

By that, I mean it was very entertaining to see the Legion of Doom craft a new reality thanks to the Spear of Destiny: Damien Darhk is mayor of Star City; Eobard Thawne runs S.T.A.R. Labs; Malcolm Merlyn has a happy family; and some of the Legends have been reprogrammed and actually work for those guys, while a few others have taken to some very bad wigs.

Aside from Thawne destroying the Spear and causing the Waverider crew to break a cardinal rule in next week’s finale, a major talking point we need to address is that of the death of Vixen. Although she may not end up being a series regular for season 3, I hope that her demise is undone soon enough because making this permanent means her granddaughter, Arrow’s Vixen, would never have come into existence. And with an animated movie based on that specific interpretation of the character being released in May, this would be a baffling creative decision to say the least.

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