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DC TV Roundup: Killer Frost And Alchemy Make An Impact On The Flash

While Marvel and DC battle to see who wins at the box office, it’s virtually inarguable that it's the latter who dominates the small screen. Now having taken over four nights of the week when it comes to prime time programming, serialized superhero storytelling has swiftly become a cornerstone in the lives of many a geek these days.

4) Reign Of The Cyborg Superman

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This week on Supergirl, we were given a deeper look at Cadmus and, in the process, gained incredible insight regarding Lillian Luthor’s motivation. In short, Hell hath no fury like a mother scorned – especially if she’s a Luthor.

By now, you’ve seen Cadmus’ prowess when it comes to merging technology with organic material in the form of Metallo, but the introduction of Cyborg Superman takes things to a new level. Seeing the real Hank Henshaw alive (Martian Manhunter assumed his identity years ago) and kicking was a possibility we were always open to and his reveal made quite the impact. Just ask Kara.

Allowing Henshaw to assume the role of the classic villain is very in keeping with comic book canon, although he had better put on the costume before this season ends, lest this feel like a cheat. I mean, why refer to yourself as “Cyborg Superman” from the get-go if you’re going to wear only the same tactical gear we see J’onn J’onzz in each week? Somebody call wardrobe.

That said, it would still be cool to see Kara’s father, Zor-El, assume the Cyborg Superman mantle as seen in the current storyline of Supergirl comics. It makes the story much more personal and the producers should consider going this route before the TV series concludes.

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