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Dreamer Finally Suits Up In New Supergirl Promo

If you tuned in for last night's episode of Supergirl, "Blood Memory," then you saw Nia Nal take a huge stride toward her destiny of becoming a superhero. Not only did a trip to her hometown allow the aspiring journalist to further understand her powers, but she also became part of the exclusive club privy to Kara's secret identity.

If you tuned in for last night’s episode of Supergirl, “Blood Memory,” then you saw Nia Nal take a huge stride toward her destiny of becoming a superhero. Not only did a trip to her hometown allow the aspiring journalist to further understand her powers, but she also became part of the exclusive club privy to Kara’s secret identity.

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What’s also particularly exciting was how the closing moments of that episode showed Nia presented with the costume she’ll go on to wear as Dreamer. As luck would have it, she’ll suit up for the first time in the next adventure to air, but it’s worth pointing out that we’ll have to wait until February 17th for “Menagerie” to debut because the show will soon endure a brief hiatus of sorts. After all, it wouldn’t be wise for the network to compete with the Super Bowl.

In the meantime, though, you can feast your eyes on the first promo for said installment via the video embedded at the top of this article. Aside from the stuff involving Dreamer, it should interest you to know that Sam Witwer will return as Ben Lockwood AKA Agent Liberty, so expect for that fire to reignite. If you were to ask me, it’s only a matter of time before he meets Lex Luthor while in prison.

Getting back to the subject of Dreamer’s costume, here’s what actress Nicole Maines had to say during a recent interview about how she hopes viewers will react to the attire:

“I hope they feel validated, especially trans folks. I hope they feel that sense of, ‘Oh my gosh…’ That’s when it’ll really sink that we have a trans superhero. I mean, it’s so important and I can’t wait.”

Supergirl airs on Sunday nights on The CW.

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