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Game Of Thrones Fans Outraged Over What Dany Did Last Night

Understandably, Game of Thrones fans are outraged over what Dany did last night, and they've taken to Twitter to share their feelings.

Game of Thrones

When it comes to a show like HBO’s Game of Thrones, there are always going to be moments that split the fandom right down the middle. After all, you’re never going to please everyone and that’s totally alright.

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That being said, what happened last night is something that just about everyone agrees was completely stupid and uncalled for. Of course, we’re referring to Dany’s big heel turn, which felt like a development that was rushed, not properly thought out and far too out of character for someone who’s usually been viewed as a hero throughout the series’ run.

True, Daenerys has acted irrationally in the past, but turning her into the villain now as Thrones is about to come to a close isn’t what fans want to see and understandably, they’ve taken to Twitter to share their frustrations. Taking aim at the writers for what transpired last night, below you can find but a sampling of what folks are saying.



Again, these reactions are completely understandable given what went down in the latest episode, and though showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have already tried to explain their decision to send Dany on a rampage and turn her into a bit of a monster, it’s unlikely too many fans will be on board with the direction they’ve now taken the character in.

But thankfully, it’s not over just yet. Game of Thrones has one episode left to air this Sunday and with any luck, the season – and series – finale will be able to send things off on a high and properly wrap up what’s been a truly incredible run for one of television’s most acclaimed and beloved shows. The only question that remains, is, will you be tuning in to see how it all ends?

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