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George Takei says justice was denied in Kyle Rittenhouse trial

Star Trek legend George Takei joined in with many other celebrities in commenting on Rittenhouse's not guilt verdict.

Following the acquittal of 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse Friday, actor George Takei has joined the chorus of voices speaking out after a criminal trial that has split the nation down the middle over questions about violence, vigilantism, racial justice protests, and gun rights.

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Rittenhouse shot three men, killing two of them and wounding a third in Kenosha, Wisconsin last year amid a protest against police brutality, according to Associated Press. He was faced with a number of charges, including first-degree reckless homicide, use of a dangerous weapon; and first-degree intentional homicide, use of a dangerous weapon; and a number of other charges — all of which were acquitted by a jury Friday, according to NPR.

“Justice denied is a body blow to our national psyche,” remarked Star Trek‘s Takei on Friday. “On trial was not only a killer, but a system that continues to kills. Today that system defeated true justice, once again. But mark these words: We will never stop fighting for what is right and just.”

It seems that many famous actors are using their star status to have their thoughts heard about the case’s conclusion as well. Mark Ruffalo of MCU fame, also commented on the situation saying, “Justice weeps bitterly today,” among many other things. His fellow MCU co-star Dave Bautista also commented on Rittenhouse during the trial saying, “F**k that kid!”

Even horror legend Stephen King joined in, proactively comparing Rittenhouse to one of the shooters involved in the Columbine High School massacre.

Do you agree with George Takei’s comments on the trial? Sound off in the comments.

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