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KISS Band Members Comment On Cancel Culture & Disney Firing Gina Carano

Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley had a lot of support for the acctress.


Gina Carano is constantly in the news for her controversial views on everything from wearing masks during the pandemic to inappropriate comments about HIV. Still, she has had many fans and public figures support her despite Disney firing her from The Mandalorian.

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The Bombadcast asked the two stars on a YouTube video about many things, with the topic eventually turning to Gina Carano. When asked about his thoughts on The Mandalorian and his thoughts on season 2, this is what Gene Simmons had to say.

“One of the best shows on TV. They should have kept the chick even though she had different political points of view. It’s not about politics, it’s whether you’re a good actress.”

Later on in the conversation, Paul Stanley actually returned the conversation to Carano, wanting to comment himself.

“You were talking earlier about Gina Carano, right?” Look, political views, this whole cancel culture is so dangerous. The idea that people can’t speak their mind. That’s what freedom is all about. To lose your job because of something you said, even if I find it offensive, that’s…we’ve gotta look at that.

Plus, she could kick my a-s if you noticed.”

With more and more famous faces coming out in support of Gina Carano and rumors of her returning to The Mandalorian for season 4, it will be interesting to see if she gets enough support to return to the show and TV in general.

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