3) Daughter Of The Dragon
Colleen Wing pretty much steals Iron Fist away from its title star, and one of the best things about her is that she’s surrounded by nods to her comics counterpart.
In particular, her “stage name” during the cage fights is Daughter of the Dragon. Daughters of the Dragon is the name of the private detective agency that Colleen runs with her best friend Misty Knight in the comics. Of course, we previously met Misty in Luke Cage. Interestingly, Colleen sparks up a similar partnership with Claire Temple here as she does with Misty in the source material.
Also in the cage fights, Colleen wears a white jump suit with some symbols on her shoulder blades. This is a perfect replication of the character’s outfit from the comics. The only major thing that’s different from the comic is that, on the page, Colleen can focus her chi to increase her strength, much like Danny can.