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Mission accomplished: ‘Warrior Nun’ showrunner confirms the canceled Netflix favorite will return

It's official: #SaveWarriorNun is now #WarriorNunSaved.

Photo via Netflix

Fan campaigns very rarely tend to yield results, but the internet had never seen anything like the movement to save Warrior Nun before.

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The Halo Bearers mobilized all over the world in massive numbers, ensuring the canceled Netflix series was never too far from the forefront of the conversation, with billboards springing up all over the world as the fandom resolutely failed to abandon the idea of the acclaimed comic book adaptation truly being over for good.

Well, those prayers have been answered at long last, with showrunner and executive producer Simon Barry taking to Twitter to let everybody know that their mission has been accomplished: Warrior Nun will return.

While details remain thin on the ground for the time being, the fact Warrior Nun has become one of the very few axed TV shows to turn an online movement into tangible results is one for the history books. Of course, the finer details don’t really matter at this stage when the fact season 3 is actually happening is more than enough to send Halo Bearers everywhere into a state of complete and utter meltdown.

It’s a banner day for those left devastated by Netflix’s ruthless axing more than six months ago, then, but the real question is where Warrior Nun has ended up. While it could always be its home platform, the company doesn’t tend to resurrect originals that it had deemed unworthy of continuing, while the campaign has pleaded with Apple TV and Prime Video at various points.

In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter in the slightest, because the only thing that does is the fact Warrior Nun has survived the great streaming purge, and is officially on its way out of purgatory and back onto the airwaves for season 3.

It’s official: #SaveWarriorNun is now #WarriorNunSaved.

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