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Netflix Concerned That Viewers Keep Talking About How Hot Ted Bundy Is

After watching Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes, a lot of people seem to be pretty enamored with the titular murderer, and Netflix is concerned.

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Any big screen adaptation of a real life serial killer will inevitably find itself steeped in a thick amount of controversy, and in the case of Joe Berlinger’s Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, many people have already accused the director of making a movie that seemingly glorifies the life and persona of Ted Bundy.

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With former teen heartthrob Zac Efron playing the infamous killer, many have argued that the biopic places too much emphasis on the charm and good looks of a contemptible character. But it’s not only Extremely Wicked that’s causing a bit of a commotion at the moment, as Berlinger’s companion documentary, Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes, is also drawing a lot of attention, but for all the wrong reasons.

Released on Netflix earlier this month, the 4-part series provides a fascinating, intimate look into the life of its subject, but it seems that even despite all the heinous crimes he committed, some viewers are finding themselves strangely attracted to the man. In fact, there’s been so much talk recently about how hot Ted Bundy is that Netflix has now issued the following statement over on Twitter:

I’ve seen a lot of talk about Ted Bundy’s alleged hotness and would like to gently remind everyone that there are literally THOUSANDS of hot men on the service — almost all of whom are not convicted serial murderers.

Of course, the recent trailer for Extremely Wicked didn’t do much to help matters, with people only finding themselves even more drawn into Bundy’s story thanks to the footage showing him to be pretty charming and likable. But it’s important to remember that this man was responsible for at least 30 vicious murders and the details of his crimes are seriously disturbing.

Still, that’s unlikely to change the fact that Ted Bundy is about to become a very hot topic in the coming months. Between Berlinger’s Netflix doc and his upcoming film, there seems to be a ton of attention on the notorious serial killer at the moment and as more and more people become aware of his story, you can bet that the chatter about him will only continue to increase.

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