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New Promo For The Flash Teases Nora’s History With Thawne

Even though last night's episode of The Flash, "Time Bomb," ultimately proved to be more about Cicada II, it did, in fact, see Nora West-Allen's secret come out before the credits rolled. But as luck would have it, Sherloque Wells beat her to the punch and revealed everything to the STAR Labs crew. As a result, Barry immediately lost trust in his daughter and sealed her in a containment cell.

Even though last night’s episode of The Flash, “Time Bomb,” ultimately proved to be more about Cicada II, it did, in fact, see Nora West-Allen’s secret come out before the credits rolled. But as luck would have it, Sherloque Wells beat her to the punch and revealed everything to the STAR Labs crew. As a result, Barry immediately lost trust in his daughter and sealed her in a containment cell.

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Unfortunately, we’re going to have to wait several weeks to learn what happens next, but the first promo for the returning episode, “Godspeed,” can be found at the top of this article. In it, we’re teased with the possibility of witnessing flashback sequences detailing Nora’s history with Eobard Thawne – and that’s something I know we’ve all been waiting to see.

Oddly enough, there’s no mention or preview of Godspeed himself, so maybe this’ll serve as his brief introduction. We must also consider the possibility that his live action counterpart won’t actually be August Heart. Instead, it could be somebody more closely connected to Barry Allen – or even Thawne himself operating under a new alias, for all we know.

Speaking of the man we’d normally refer to as “the Reverse-Flash,” I’m not giving up on the notion that he’s repentant. But knowing him, he probably was manipulating Nora to serve his own needs as well because that’s just who he is. I don’t know about you, but I’m really looking forward to the final stretch of the current season.

As of right now, there’s no official synopsis available for “Godspeed,” but one should hit the web about two or three weeks before the episode airs. That said, keep watching this space as more develops.

The Flash returns with new episodes on Tuesday, April 16th on The CW.

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