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Stephen Amell Teases An All-Male Pillow Fight For Arrow Season 7

In recent months, we've heard about how Arrow's seventh season will be the darkest since its first. Heck, producer James Bamford even said it's pushing the boundaries of what The CW's censors will allow. Given that, we fully expect for some rather brutal fight sequences and mature themes to follow.

In recent months, we’ve heard about how Arrow‘s seventh season will be the darkest since its first. Heck, producer James Bamford even said it’s pushing the boundaries of what The CW’s censors will allow. Given that, we fully expect for some rather brutal fight sequences and mature themes to follow.

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Having fired off those points, it’s difficult not recalling footage teasing a nude prison fight involving an incarcerated Oliver Queen and someone who doesn’t have the good manners to allow him to wash up in peace – but could any of us have predicted that a pillow fight is also on the agenda?

Mystifying us all is lead actor Stephen Amell, who recently Tweeted out the following:

“Episode 7 of Arrow has an all male pillow fight. We know where our bread is buttered.”

Whether or not Ollie is still in prison by then will probably determine the context of the pillow fight, should such a thing happen. If that’s the case, then I picture him channeling the spirit of Homer Simpson by loading his pillowcase with doorknobs.

But if he’s breathing free air, then this could amount to a more comedic scene involving Oliver and, say, John Diggle. Hey, with so much darkness expected to be on the way, it couldn’t hurt to lighten things up for a brief moment.

The final scenario entering my mind is downright goofy, though I imagine you’d probably laugh if you could also picture our hero fighting for the mantle of Green Arrow with whomever his mysterious successor hitting Star City’s streets may be (Roy Harper?) – and a pillow serves as their weapon of choice.

I guess we’ll find out what exactly Amell’s teasing here when Arrow returns for its seventh season on Monday, October 15 on The CW.

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