Featuring eccentric characters and unforgettable personalities, Survivor 37: David vs. Goliath brought the reality competition universe a unique theme and fantastic television. Playing on the biblical story, the iteration pitted 10 underdog-type contestants (“David” tribe) against 10 “favorites” (“Goliath” tribe), as host Jeff Probst described in the opening episode.
Whether it was occupation-wise or physical gifts, the Goalith players had — on paper — more going for them than their David counterparts.
The Davids featured a waitress, truck driver, and kitchen worker, whereas the Goliath tribe had the likes of a filmmaker, attorney, and physician. Physically domineering at points as well, the Goliath tribe boasted a professional wrestler, whereas the Davids featured a slender robotics scientist.
Season 37 was filmed in early 2018 and aired later that year. And after the dust settled, David’s Nick Wilson left CBS’s live finale with a $1 million check after besting two Goliaths in the final Tribal Council.
So, let’s take a look into David vs. Goliath, and how the season shook out.
The Davids lost 3 members by day 10 — 2 due to injury
The game began with 20 players joining together in two groups on a boat floating just off of a Fijian island. After Jeff announced season 37’s theme and unveiled the David vs. Goliath logo, the game was afoot. A reward challenge ensued on the boat and the Davids immediately picked up a win over their opponents.
It was then time for the marooning. The two tribes headed to their camp to begin the survival aspect of the beloved franchise. And unfortunately for the Davids, their early success would be mitigated by a series of events. In true underdog fashion, the Davids tribe fell from 10 to seven by the tenth day of play.
Pat Cusack was officially the first person eliminated from season 37. The tribe’s de facto leader suffered a game-ending back injury after the first immunity challenge. The on-site doctor tended to Pat at camp and determined he could no longer continue in the game. Considering the Davids were supposed to head to Tribal Council that night, it was canceled in the wake of Pat’s departure (he made a full recovery).
Day 6 marked the Davids’ first trip to the voting ceremony as the Goliaths notched their second challenge victory.
The result of the first Tribal Council split the tribe into two alliances. In a 5-4 spread, Jessica Peet was blindsided with Lyrsa Torres narrowly escaping her game being cut short. And although a line in the sand had been drawn by the vote, it was the last time the original David tribe would go to Tribal Council together as a group.
They defeated the Goliaths in the next immunity game. And unlike the opposing tribe, the players donning purple came to a unanimous decision on who to send packing — Jeremy Crawford.
However, the Davids would quickly lose one more. In episode 4, Bi Nguyen pulled herself from the game after she hurt her MCL. Although she was medically cleared to continue, Bi didn’t want to damage her knee any further considering she was a mixed martial artist. With the fourth competitor out of the game ahead of the fourth immunity challenge, Jeff announced a game-changing shakeup.
Season 37 then shifted into a three-tribe game
The remaining 16 hopefuls dropped their buffs and engaged in a tribe swap. They were divided into three new groups — David became Vuku, Goliath’s name was changed to Jabeni, and a new tribe, Tiva, was formed. Once the random draw took place and five players made up each tribe, David’s Carl Boudreaux was left without a home.
He was subsequently sent to Exile Island where he waited until after the next Tribal Council. Besides guaranteed safety for one voting round, Carl was given a clue to finding an idol nullifier, an advantage that would void out a hidden immunity idol should he use it correctly at a Tribal. After searching around Exile Island, Carl eventually found it.
Back in the normal game, the three tribes competed with each other for the first time. Immunity was up for grabs for two tribes — typical during a three-tribe portion of a season. Tiva secured safety, something they’d do during every challenge, and Jabeni came in second. That left Vuku in harm’s way, and Goliath’s Natalia Azoqa was eliminated in a 3-1-1 vote on day 11. Carl then returned to the game and joined Vuku in Natalia’s stead.
Another former Goliath was sent to Ponderosa next, and she was one of the biggest faces of the season. Natalie Cole was known for her no-bulls*** attitude and commanding nature. But, her time came to an end after Jabeni lost the next challenge. And in an iconic Survivor moment, Goliath’s Angelina Keeley pleaded for Natalie’s jacket once the votes were read and the latter’s fate was sealed. But, Natalie ignored Angelina (Angelina voted for Lyrsa alongside Natalie) while Jeff snuffed out her torch, and the publishing CEO walked off.
The next round of play was the last tribal battle of season 37. Vuku had to take the hot seat again as Tiva finished first and Jabeni came second. And after residing on the chopping block twice, Lyrsa’s time on the staple competition show finally came to an end.
The old Goliath members dominated the latter part of the merge after the Davids swung back
With seven original Goliaths and six Davids left in the game, it was time to merge! The 13 survivors formed the Kalokalo tribe. Multiple alliances, some that crossed and linked, headed into the individual portion of the game, including “Strike Force,” an alliance featuring Goliath’s Alec Merlino, Mike White (of School of Rock fame), and Alison Raybould, as well Christian Hubicki, Gabby Pascuzzi, and Nick.
Still, former tribal lines remained strong as well.
After Alison won the first individual immunity challenge of the game, the former Goliath tribe got their way: they eliminated David’s Elizabeth Olson with a 12-vote unanimous spread. She was the first member of the eventual 10-person jury.
After a series of events that are too nuanced to get into here, the game shifted to an old tribe vs. old tribe war. After Goliath’s Dan Rengering snagged the next immunity, the seven remaining Goliaths threw their votes onto Christian.
Outgunned with only five left, the Davids had to rely on some savvy gameplay to protect their numbers, which they ultimately did.
Davie Rickenbacker played a hidden immunity idol he found for Christian. It was a well-played idol as all seven of the Goliaths targeted Christian. After some pleading, Dan used his idol on Angelina as well, which turned out to be a waste. The Davids split their votes on John Hennigan and Angelina 3-2. So, with the idol nullifying seven votes, the professional wrestler was ousted.
The second Tribal of the merge was a big triumph for the five Davids. They flushed an idol from the opposing side while also narrowing the gap from seven Goliaths to six. And at the next one, they pulled off another impressive stunt by walking in locked and loaded with advantages.
After Alec won individual immunity, the cast sat down at Tribal with Jeff. With the Goliaths seemingly intending on sticking together again, Nick used a vote-steal advantage that he had picked up earlier in the game. It allowed him to take Alison’s vote, leaving her without the ability to write down a name that night while giving him an extra piece of parchment.
Nick’s move prompted panic in some of the Goliaths, and Alec and Kara Kay switched their strategy by lobbing votes at Angelina, further diminishing the Goliath’s voting block. Then, Carl’s idol nullifier came into play. After Jeff gathered the urn, Dan revealed his second hidden immunity idol. It was a good call – the former Davids all threw their votes onto him, including both of Nick’s. But, little did he know Carl was packing a new advantage that rendered his idol useless. He became the third jury member with a 6-3-2 vote (Mike, Angelina, and Dan all stuck with the original plan and voted for Christian).
Amazingly, the Davids had made it a 5-5 game on day 25. Then, they’d actually take the numbers advantage when Alec was unanimously voted out at the next Tribal Council after the David versus Goliath alliance lines degraded.
But, Alec’s sendoff marked the beginning of the Davids’ downfall.
A David went to the jury in the four proceeding Tribals. Carl was the first out, as he was the victim of Gabby and Christian switching over to Mike, Kara, and Alison’s side. The move proved to be the last time they worked together, however. Gabby lobbied to blindside Christian next but was eliminated on day 32 after Christian saved himself with another immunity idol.
And with no more tricks up his sleeve, the robotics scientist who was viewed as a massive jury threat met his fate on day 35. Then, with all but two Davids wiped out, the Goliaths assembled again. They sent Davie to the jury the next day after Nick won his first individual immunity.
It was now the final 5, and this was when Nick’s competition side truly shined. It was also very David-esque. He outlasted a 4-1 deficit by winning the last two immunity challenges. With no other Davids left, the Goliaths turned on themselves. Alison was voted out unanimously on day 37. Then, keeping with its new tradition established a few seasons back, the fire-making challenge played out at the final 4 after Nick won immunity and saved Angelina.
Mike battled his way into the final Tribal Council by defeating Kara.
With the final 3 established, the game was nearly over. The 10-person jury assembled on day 39 at Tribal Council. And after grilling the remaining players, the jury members made their way to the urn one last time.
Although Nick’s game wasn’t flawless, his final immunity run and strategic plays earned him seven votes, which came with $1 million and the “Sole Survivor” title. Mike placed second with three – the actor impressed the jury with his strong grasp of the game’s social dynamics while being on the right side of the vote in nearly every Tribal he attended. And unfortunately for Angelina, she didn’t receive a single vote.
Season 37’s David vs. Goliath is a top-rated season in the Survivor community. But, only one player has played a second time around thus far. Nick returned for season 40’s Winners at War and placed seventh overall.
Published: Aug 4, 2023 5:30 PM UTC