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One Of Rick’s Closest Allies May Be Killed Off In The Walking Dead’s Mid-Season Finale

The Spoiling Dead Fans has cobbled together a speculative report that claims [spoiler] will be killed off in The Walking Dead season 8.

Season 8 of The Walking Dead was always going to herald a number of huge deaths.

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It’s part and parcel of the show’s DNA, after all, and there is perhaps no other series on television where the tension is so relentless…so omnipresent. One false move or careless error – or, in the case of Abraham and Glenn, a bat-wielding sadist – and your favorite character is a goner, reduced to nothing more than food for the passing walkers.

Yes, AMC’s apocalyptic flagship has delivered some truly shocking deaths throughout the past 100 episodes, but if the fan forum Spoiling Dead Fans is to be believed, season 8 is about to unveil the most devastating one yet. First spotted by the folks at Spoiler TV, this report suggests one of Rick’s closest allies will bite the bullet during November’s mid-season finale, and though the veracity of SDF’s theory is still up for debate, let it be known that the following passage is riddled with spoilers. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Still with us? Should this speculative tidbit hold true, Carl Grimes is about to become the latest casualty of AMC’s all-out war. A stalwart of The Walking Dead since its inception seven years ago, the young Carl (Chandler Riggs) has wormed his way into the hearts and minds of the show’s loyal following, even if he risked becoming an annoying brat in The Walking Dead‘s earliest seasons. Since that time, we’ve watched him grow into a teenager before our very eyes, but it seems Riggs’ protagonist is only a few weeks away from dying young.

And while The Spoiling Dead Fans have been wrong before, the forum points to a series of nighttime shoots that took place at the tail-end of August. Captured just outside Alexandria, one source claimed to have heard plenty of gunfire, shouting, explosions, and fire, with Negan and Carl – Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Chandler Riggs, respectively – spotted close-by.

Could it be that Carl is about to meet his maker on The Walking Dead season 8? It’s far too soon to tell, but we’ll be keeping a close eye on AMC’s flagship as time wears on.

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