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New Twin Peaks Episodes Pushed Back To 2017

Plans to make all new episodes of the hit TV show Twin Peaks for a 2016 broadcast were met with rapturous joy when they were announced, and since then, fans have been riding a roller-coaster of emotion. As original cast members signed on, excitement grew. Then came negotiating difficulties with series co-creator David Lynch - and the whole thing seemed like it was about to be wrapped in plastic. But, things are not always what they seem, and Showtime not only managed to get the project back on the railroad track, but also ordered double the number of episodes. Fans were happier than ever.

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Plans to make all new episodes of the hit TV show Twin Peaks for a 2016 broadcast were met with rapturous joy when they were announced, and since then, fans have been riding a roller-coaster of emotion. As original cast members signed on, excitement grew. Then came negotiating difficulties with series co-creator David Lynch – and the whole thing seemed like it was about to be wrapped in plastic. But, things are not always what they seem, and Showtime not only managed to get the project back on the railroad track, but also ordered double the number of episodes. Fans were happier than ever.

Now, however, Twin Peaks co-creator Mark Frost has delivered a mixture of good and frustrating news during an interview at the National Baseball Hall of Fame And Museum, and the next loop in the rollercoaster looms large. There is evidently a production start date, and the scripts are finished. It’s just that, unfortunately, we’ll have to wait longer to see it.

“We had 32 hours back in 1991-92, and with my partner David Lynch we kind of blew open that genre of the night-time soap and took it in a whole other direction. A lot of people always look back at Twin Peaks and say that was the start of this explosion we’ve had in good television drama, but we did it in a time when there were still only three networks.

“The challenge for us is to try and come back and raise the bar above what we did last time. We’re coming back with season three of Twin Peaks after a 25 year absence. We’ve finished the scripts, we start production in September, and that will be coming out on Showtime in 2017.”

This will likely be met with agonized groans from those viewers that are perched on the edge of their seats, desperate to find out what happened to Special Agent Dale Cooper after his head hit the bathroom mirror in such spectacular and disturbing fashion, back in June 1991. It’s not all gloom and frustration, though. Mark Frost also indicated in his interview that, having finished the scripts for the new season, he is now writing a Twin Peaks book that will cover the intervening time period, and it is that book that should arrive in 2016. Fans have already waited for a quarter of a century to have their questions answered, so an additional few months will be easy as pie.

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