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The Walking Dead Will Crossover With Fear The Walking Dead

Well, it's finally happening, folks. After years of fans asking for it, and various cast and crew members turning them down, it seems that we'll soon see a crossover between The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead. Exact details on how and when it'll go down haven't been revealed, but it's coming, and that alone is hugely exciting.

Well, it’s finally happening, folks. After years of fans asking for it, and various cast and crew members turning them down, it seems that we’ll soon see a crossover between The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead. Exact details on how and when it’ll go down haven’t been revealed, but it’s coming, and that alone is hugely exciting.

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The news was announced during The Walking Dead‘s panel earlier tonight at New York Comic-Con, where creator Robert Kirkman teased fans with the following when asked about a possible crossover:

“I get that question all the time. I think that we’ve finally gotten to a place with Fear the Walking Dead where it has its own identify. There’s one character that is going to go from one show and appear in the other show, that I will not name.”

While this is certainly great to hear, it’s also quite surprising, given that producer Gale Ann Hurd ruled out a crossover just this month, when she said:

“I don’t think that will happen. Look, there’s so many reason that’s unlikely. First, they are on the Pacific Coast, Mexico. There are no planes. No one’s flying anymore. There’s no cross-country travel that’s easy. That’d be threading a needle, but first you’d have to find it in the haystack.”

Again, we have no details on how this is expected to play out. For instance, will we see one of Fear‘s characters show up on The Walking Dead, or vice versa? And which character will make the jump? Will it be a major one, or just a supporting player? Right now, we’ve got a ton of questions, and it’s not likely that we’ll get any answers in the near future. Still, just knowing that a crossover is being planned is enough to get us excited and we can’t wait to see how this goes down.

Season 8 of The Walking Dead, one which promises “all out war,” returns on October 22nd. Fear The Walking Dead, meanwhile, continues on October 8th at 9 pm, and is expected to stretch until the season finale airs on October 15th.

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