Peacock’s upcoming horror series Wolf Like Me stars Josh Gad’s Gary, a single father struggling to raise his daughter after his wife died. When Isla Fisher’s Mary accidentally crashes into Gary and his Daughter, the woman becomes intertwined in their lives, even to the point of starting a relationship with Gary.
However, not all is what it seems as both characters carry with them a heavy set of baggage from their past. Meanwhile, Gary’s daughter is clearly having a hard time from both her mother’s death and the car crash itself.
It’s also evident that Mary has a secret, perhaps involving her previous now-deceased husband, one that she’s unable to share with anyone. Nevertheless, Mary is convinced the universe brought her to Gary for a reason, she just needs to keep following the signs.
The six-part series was produced by Jodi Matterson, Bruna Papandrea and Steve Hutensky and written and directed by Abe Forsythe. Production for the series took place in Australia, according to MediaWeek.
The show is apparently based on Forsythe’s own life experience as a 40-something single parent, the publication said.
“Wolf Like Me is a very meaningful project for me, the stakes are extremely high but grounded by things we can all relate to. I’m so excited to have Isla and Josh on board and I know the audience will be surprised seeing them in a different way as these characters.”
Wolf Like Me begins streaming on Peacock Jan. 13.
Published: Jan 4, 2022 02:04 pm