While best known as Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise, one of the most iconic characters in movie history, Mark Hamill has spent much of his career as a highly prolific voice actor.
Mark Hamill first worked as a voice actor in the 1977 animated movie Wizards, the same year the first Star Wars movie came out. Hamill’s most prominent voice roles include The Joker in Batman: The Animated Series, as well as many other DC movies and TV shows. Hamill also provided the voice of Fire Lord Ozai in Avatar: The Last Airbender and Hobgoblin in the animated Spider-Man TV series. He has also voiced multiple Star Wars characters, including EV-9D9 in The Mandalorian and Dobbu Scay in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. So where does Futurama fit into Hamill’s resume?
Who does Mark Hamill voice in Futurama?
In Futurama, Mark Hamill voices Chanukah Zombie, the representative for the holiday of Chanukah. Hamill voiced the character in the spin-off movie Bender’s Big Score, one of many direct-to-DVD films produced after Futurama’s first cancellation, meant to round up the show’s storylines. In a subtle wink to Hamill’s Star Wars role, Chanukah Zombie flies a ship that appears to be a Chanukah version of a TIE Fighter.
Recently, Mark Hamill has reprised his role in the season 11 episode “I Know What You Did Next Xmas”, as part of the animated comedy’s 2023 revival series. Hamill worked once more with the late rapper Coolio, who voiced Kwanzaa-bot, the Kwanzaa counterpart of Chanukah Zombie. The episode was Coolio’s last role, recorded prior to his death in 2022.
Published: Aug 29, 2023 07:25 pm