Be it onscreen or on the printed page, superhero team-ups are arguably a bigger deal now than ever before. Since Rebirth kicked off a year-and-a-half ago, DC has done a fine job of producing addictive ensemble titles. Of course, Justice League is probably the first book that’ll spring to mind, but it’s important that we not overlook a gem such as Trinity.
Uniting three of the most iconic heroes in all of pop culture – Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman – Trinity treats readers by offering a more intimate look at the characters in smaller settings than expected, no less. Naturally, it’s easier to do that in a book such as this as opposed to one that forces you to juggle seven or eight main protagonists, but that doesn’t mean the adventures aren’t blown to epic proportions every now and then.
So, even though the next issue to come will have a “#16” on the cover, you shouldn’t feel intimidated in the slightest. In fact, now would be a perfect point to jump on because next week’s offering is a done-in-one story that takes full advantage of the holiday season. And, believe it or not, Batman will be lending a helping hand to none other than Deadshot.
Also of note is the gorgeous artwork, something this series has become known for. Granted, Francis Manapul and Clay Mann have since moved on to other projects, but up-and-comer V. Ken Marion may have turned in his most impressive work for DC to date. Yes, he’s done great things in the past, but inker Sandu Florea has helped to elevate him to the next level.
For more, be sure to check out the official synopsis below:
“OLD ACQUAINTANCE”! It’s New Year’s Eve, and as the snow falls on New York City our Trinity reunites to save the life of someone completely unexpected—one of the DC Universe’s coldest killers: Deadshot!
Trinity #16 arrives in comic shops next Wednesday, December 20.
Writer: Rob Williams
Artist: V. Ken Marion
Cover: Guillem March
Variant Cover: Jason Fabok
Published: Dec 14, 2017 5:17 PM UTC