Deadline is reporting that Woody Allen wants to cast Italian actor Roberto Benigni in his upcoming film, The Wrong Picture. You may remember Benigni as the eccentric who walked atop the rows of chairs on Oscar night when he won Best Actor for Life is Beautiful, which also received Best Foreign Language Film and Best Music for its original dramatic score.
The Wrong Picture already has quite an impressive cast attached and includes Jesse Eisenberg, Penelope Cruz, Ellen Page, and Alec Baldwin.
Allen is currently set to premiere his latest film, Midnight in Paris, at the Cannes Film Festival in just a few days. Its cast includes Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Michael Sheen, and Rachel McAdams.
Not much is known about Allen’s next picture other than that it is to begin production this summer in Italy.
(Source: Deadline)
Published: May 5, 2011 7:17 PM UTC