Square Enix has announced that their upcoming MMO Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will be released on August 27th. In addition, the company has also revealed incentives to players who wish to pre-order the game early along with a fancy collector’s edition. To celebrate the news, they released a new trailer composed of nothing but gameplay, showcasing some of the revamped areas in the magical world of Eorzea.
Things are looking slightly better for fans of Rare Ltd., as Microsoft has announced that the long established game studio will be bringing back one of their 'historic' intellectual properties for the newly revealed Xbox One.
Amidst the flurry of news surrounding Microsoft’s newest console, the Xbox One, one of the odder announcements was the fact that the latest Xbox needs to have the new Kinect plugged in at all times. Xbox's UK marketing director Harvey Eagle has stated that if the motion capture device is not attached to the machine, the new Xbox is not able to function in any capacity.
Metal Gear series creator Hideo Kojima has announced that the latest game in the franchise, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is coming to PC. The exciting news was dropped during Kojima’s latest podcast on the creator’s studio site Hideoblog. The game, which recently came out with its latest downloadable content, was released earlier this year for PS3 and Xbox 360. While no details such as a release date or possible add-ons were given, it is nice to see Konami branching out to deliver their games to additional platforms.
Yesterday Valve announced a new feature for their popular digital platform Steam, virtual trading cards. With this addition, people using the online game service soon can collect and trade cards featuring various illustrations from popular game titles. In addition, the implementation of these cards also coincide with various new features being added to Steam, such as allowing users to customize their community profiles and gain specific emoticons for the software’s chat system.
Today D3Publisher announced that players can expect to explore the magical world of Ooo once more in the upcoming Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW! Developed by WayForward who created the first game for the hit cartoon show, the new game promises to have up to four player co-op featuring a variety of characters from the series. In addition, this outing into the whimsical world will feature full voice work by the show’s actors and input from series’ creator Pendleton Ward.
With Commander Shepard’s trilogy finished, many fans are now wondering what will happen to the Mass Effect franchise. Luckily, in a recent OXM interview, several developers of the critically acclaimed series sat down and talked about potential games they would like to see in the expansive sci-fi universe. Lead producer Casey Hudson stated that he would be very interested in a spin-off game about Garrus Vakarian, a teammate of Shepard's that is present in each installment of Mass Effect.
In preparation for their upcoming DLC, Konami and the team at Platinum Games released a new trailer for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance showcasing some of the features of the third downloadable content. Much like the Jetstream Sam DLC released last month, players take control of another character from the newest entry of the Metal Gear series, this time it is the robotic dog LQ-84i, or Blade Wolf.
Things are looking a little rougher for the world of Azeroth as Activision-Blizzard announced that their immensely popular MMO, World of Warcraft, has lost 1.3 million players during the first three months of 2013. The drop in players appear to occur mostly in the Eastern part of the world but the West was affected as well. With this latest decline in subscriptions, the current player base now sits at roughly 8 million players.