Josh Holloway
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This Is the Police is mechanically sound on the surface, but digging deeper leads to disappointment in the randomized events and lack of meaningful decisions to make.
Josh Holloway
Josh Holloway
Aug 1, 2016
Ghostbusters is one of the worst video games I have ever played. It wears its disdain for the player on its sleeve, and the truly scary thing is that everything in it appears to be working as intended.
Josh Holloway
Josh Holloway
Jul 19, 2016
Despite mechanical discord and an unsatisfying story, the creepy atmosphere and gargantuan spectacle of The Solus Project is worth experiencing firsthand.
Josh Holloway
Josh Holloway
Jun 6, 2016
Overwatch delivers an unprecedented amount of fun and excitement to a genre that desperately needed a shot in the arm. The charm and personality of the characters and environments only serve to enhance the game's pitch-perfect action and fine-tuned mechanics.
Josh Holloway
Josh Holloway
May 26, 2016
TASTEE: Lethal Tactics offers a full-featured package of deep strategic combat that manages to avoid overcomplicating things like controls and menus.
Josh Holloway
Josh Holloway
May 9, 2016
The visual programming puzzles in Glitchspace can be both fun and educational, but gaps in its teaching are likely to leave players feeling frustrated as often as they are satisfied.
Josh Holloway
Josh Holloway
May 5, 2016
The long tail of Neon Chrome's progression system is too much to ask for its plain and repetitive combat. It's a carrot on a stick that doesn't offer enough joy or spectacle along the way.
Josh Holloway
Josh Holloway
Apr 28, 2016
The Collider 2 takes a simple concept and applies an unbelievable sense of speed that makes for an incredibly engaging action experience.
Josh Holloway
Josh Holloway
Apr 19, 2016
Dead Star takes the MOBA blueprint and flips it on its head. Stripping the genre down to its best elements and applying a slick sci-fi layer, it brings something truly new to the table that doesn't feel like a simple retread.
Josh Holloway
Josh Holloway
Apr 9, 2016
Kill to Collect's 80's cyberpunk aesthetic is a thin veneer with no real personality to back it up. The game contains the skeleton of a great action roguelike, but there's just not enough variety to keep it interesting for long.
Josh Holloway
Josh Holloway
Apr 7, 2016