Joshua Kowbel
Joshua Kowbel - Page 4
Say sorry to your sleep schedule as Awesome Games Done Quick spends a full week speedrunning games and raising money for charity.
Joshua Kowbel
Joshua Kowbel
Jan 3, 2016
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen brings 4K resolutions, 60 frames per second, all its DLC, and an absurd story to the PC this January.
Joshua Kowbel
Joshua Kowbel
Dec 18, 2015
Before you splurge on that overpriced Intel CPU or Radeon graphics card, check out the latest Dark Souls III system requirements.
Joshua Kowbel
Joshua Kowbel
Dec 17, 2015
Need for Speed will soon repair the damage done by its rubber-banding AI, add community events into the fold, and increase reputation levels.
Joshua Kowbel
Joshua Kowbel
Nov 24, 2015
Gamers can meet their heavy metal music, merciless combat, and grueling platforming quotas with Slain! on January 27, 2016.
Joshua Kowbel
Joshua Kowbel
Nov 23, 2015
Follow Sony's four easy steps to access Bloodborne: The Old Hunters when it goes live this Tuesday, and get a hint of the nightmare you'll face.
Joshua Kowbel
Joshua Kowbel
Nov 22, 2015
With intentionally minimal music, The Witness looks to separate itself from the status quo.
Joshua Kowbel
Joshua Kowbel
Nov 20, 2015
In the wake of future volume cancellations, buyers can rest easy knowing their Afro Samurai 2: Revenge of Kuma money will be refunded shortly.
Joshua Kowbel
Joshua Kowbel
Nov 20, 2015
Resident Evil 6 has the chance to correct past mistakes, if rumors of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 re-release prove true.
Joshua Kowbel
Joshua Kowbel
Nov 20, 2015
Halo 5: Guardians introduces Big Team Battle and new maps in its Battle of Shadow and Light update, while Warzone gets additional tweaks and REQs.
Joshua Kowbel
Joshua Kowbel
Nov 19, 2015