Button remapping eluded console gamers for the longest time. While PC players had access to that functionality for decades, Xbox 360 and PS3 owners could switch between preset control schemes only when developers included them. Sony took the next step forward first, adding custom controller configurations in the PS4’s 2.50 update. Now, it’s the Xbox One’s turn.
Valkyria: Azure Revolution and the Valkyria Chronicles remake are set to conquer PS4 next year. Start petitioning or practicing your Japanese, Western fans.
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide seems like an eerie, well-done Left 4 Dead mod at first glance. But players that soldier on through depressing dice rolls will find a replacement for their co-op and loot-driven needs, Warhammer fan or not.
With its minimal content and cars that prove impossible to control, Rock ‘N Racing Off Road DX butchers the arcade action that Super Off Road perfected in the ‘90s. Save your cash, Super Off Road enthusiasts. Off Road DX is no substitute.