If lying was a sport, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) would be a gold medalist. If having a grip on reality was a sport, Greene would not place in the top 20. Her latest brilliant mistruth? That Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg had anything to do with a Fox News weatherman being assaulted in New York City.
I’m not even sure she understands how the justice system works. Of course, her information comes from the Daily Mail, a publication so untrustworthy that it scores 39.5 percent out of 100 on the reliability scale, per a study by The Factual. Don’t believe me? Just “do your own research,” isn’t that what the right loves to say? Check out her nifty baseless assertion du jour!
The big claim here, that anyone with half a brain could figure out, is that Bragg somehow had something to do with this case. It’s a stretch so big you’d pull a muscle. The Daily Mail tries its best to make this connection with this misleading sentence: “Manhattan’s ‘woke’ DA Alvin Bragg claimed this case is not one for him to deal with, as the suspects are juveniles.”
There is no quote, no evidence to back this up. Just a sentence to force a connection that doesn’t actually exist. What are other publications saying? Not that! Even the New York Post, which is staunchly conservative and would love to roast Bragg, doesn’t make that claim.
Bragg’s name doesn’t even appear in the Post article, you know why? He had and has nothing to do with it. Here’s what the Post said:
“The three young thugs who have already been released with ‘juvenile reports’ could only face charges if [weatherman Adam Klotz] files a complaint with the city Department of Probation, which would then decide if it would refer the case to the Law Department.”
Truth is important. We don’t live in a society where we can just take things at face value anymore. Greene is hoping you’ll just believe what she says no matter what, or worse, she is really that dumb. Some people seem to think so.
One more time for the cheap seats: Greene said “Alvin Bragg set them free, and refused to investigate.” Nothing even remotely close to this is true. It’s a cheap, obvious attempt at playing politics, and appealing to the base of people who think Trump walks on water.
Trump. The man who is a “business genius” but lost $1.17 billion between 1985 and 1994. The man who lost the 2020 election, then lost the Electoral College, and the popular vote, all recounts, more than 120 lawsuits (!), and then a Supreme Court case. For a self-described winner, he sure does lose a lot.
Then you have Rep. Greene, who will say or do anything to support him. This woman is not good for America. Or people’s perception of it. Or anything.
Published: Apr 11, 2023 10:58 PM UTC