Maya Rudolph is the new spokesperson for some people’s favorite candy, M&Ms. The ad’s making waves online thanks to Rudolph claiming her face will now be on the candies (and edible) as well as the general confusion about what’s happening to the original talking candy spokespeople.
Some people are happy and unbothered by the whole thing because it doesn’t affect their lives at all and some people are fired up. Because why not get fired up about what a giant corporation does with its products? Oh right, because everything is political now. Right on cue:
People hate change!
The questions!
And the denial coursing through the heart of candy lovers everywhere!
It’s not Maya! It’s this guy who drives this race car.
More woke spokes candies comments. Where would we be if people didn’t shove the word “woke” into everything?
At least they’re honest.
Come back fictional corporate shills!
Some simple but effective reactions:
Apparently, I missed that part in the bible where Maya was the rider of death, or however that Johnny Cash song goes.
Let’s summarize. People were upset about M&M’s previous commercial because it was “too woke” and now they’re mad at the company for changing things after all the complaints.
Also, to all the Maya bashers I’m sure she’s very upset and crying on her way to the bank to cash that huge Mars Incorporated check. What a time to be alive.
Published: Jan 25, 2023 11:09 PM UTC