You may recall that back when Barack Obama was first elected President of the United States, he appeared in a special comic book story alongside Spider-Man. The soon to be former leader of the free world is a big fan of the character and Marvel in general, so it probably shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise to learn that he once commissioned some artwork by Joe Quesada.
The Marvel CCO and Daredevil artist took to his blog today to reveal the story behind how this came to be, saying that he received a phone call from the President’s assistant asking him to put something together for a close friend of Obama’s after he took a new job outside of the White House.
Here are some highlights from Quesada’s lengthy recollection:
“President Obama thought that a perfect parting gift for his service to the administration would be a custom piece of art featuring Mr. Gaspard, himself and several Marvel heroes standing in front of the White House and for some godforsaken reason he was asking me to draw it. I of course had to get approval from the highest levels of Marvel where it was met with nothing but enthusiasm and a big thumbs up…Once the piece was finished inked and colored by Danny Miki and Richard Isanove respectfully, I received word that the President was thrilled with the results and Mr. Gaspard was over the moon with the final framed surprise gift.”
To be chosen by the President himself to put together something like this must have been downright incredible, though the pressure to make sure it was something he liked couldn’t have been easy to deal with. Looking at this stunning piece, though, it’s fair to say that the Marvel artist succeeded in delivering something that both the President and its recipient must have loved.
With Donald Trump now headed to the White House, it’s a safe bet that he probably won’t be gracing any comic book covers. Then again, he is close friends with Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter, so who knows…..