This spring, Deep Silver and Piranha Bytes will raise the sails on their pirate-themed RPG, Risen 2: Dark Waters. Furthering its predecessor’s storyline, this sequel takes place several years after the the events presented in the series’ inaugural 2009 release. Understandably so, the H20-based title references more than just the employed swashbuckling theme; it also lets us know that the game world will be split across varied islands within a large, tropical location.
Here’s an in-depth plot synopsis:
Set several years after the end of Risen, raging titans have devastated the world and pushed humanity to the brink of existence. Subsequently, monstrous creatures have risen from the watery depths of the sea and their attacks have brought all seafaring to a grinding halt. The hero, now a member of the Inquisition, is sent out to find out how to stop the chaos caused by these creatures from the deep. His quest begins with rumors that the pirates who frequent the southern islands are the only ones who know a way to get rid of the creatures once and for all and end their reign of terror.
A third-person role-playing game set in a dark and gritty universe, Risen 2: Dark Waters maintains the most immersive features of the original Risen, with multiple approaches to every challenge allowing players to shape the game world based on their own decisions. These choices will serve to unlock new paths, features and additional skills for the character. Together with a highly interactive environment and a full day/night-cycle affecting countless aspects of the game world, Risen 2 will be set in the most immersive RPG game world so far.
Folks who pre-order the game from select retailers (prior to April,) will receive two separate bonuses:
Treasure Isle DLC: A new quest line, where players must search for Captain Steelbeard’s hidden treasure. It will be sold separately for 800 Microsoft Points or $10.
Pirate’s Clothes Equipment Set: Exclusive to GameStop, this pack “gives the player additional stat bonuses and a wicked extra pistol from the start of the game”.
Risen 2: Dark Waters was originally scheduled for an April 27 release on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. The last device listed will still see the game on that date, but its console versions have been delayed until May 22, 2012.
I look forward to setting sail on Dark Waters‘ turbulent seas. Not only does the game feature a rather epic and badass premise; it also looks quite promising.
Published: Mar 8, 2012 06:42 pm