5) SuperHot
One of Microsoft’s big new initiatives has seen plenty more indie games debut on Xbox One, and this year’s seen a host of innovative new titles from smaller developers launch on the console. SuperHot is one such example, impressing us with a unique gameplay mechanic that puts a fresh spin on the typical FPS formula.
Each of SuperHot’s levels is a time bending puzzle that swaps fast paced shooting mechanics for a more tactical approach. When players stop, so does time. It isn’t necessarily complex, but this mechanic is effective in producing some tense and challenging gameplay. Players will need to discipline themselves to learn SuperHot’s combat and there’s plenty of satisfaction in mastering its design.
Don’t expect any substantial narrative offering, but there’s loads of replay value in SuperHot. There is a challenge and endless mode to be unlocked after completion, though admittedly there isn’t a huge amount of variety in its later levels. Even still, we had an absolute blast playing this FPS/puzzle hybrid thanks to its extremely creative design.