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10 Things That Made Absolutely No Sense In Avengers: Endgame

It's now been a few days since Avengers: Endgame arrived in cinemas at the end of last week, so most of us super-fans have seen it at least once. Endgame's the sort of movie that hits you right in the gut upon first viewing as it's so well-crafted to pull at the heartstrings and reduce you to a blubbering wreck. Truly, the Russo brothers and the rest of the team deserve credit for pulling off the incredible feat of delivering a fitting ending to the Infinity Saga.

Avengers Endgame

Why Do 2014 Gamora And Nebula Act Out Of Character?

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Not only does it cause a major problem when Thanos finds out about the Avengers’ time-traveling scheme, but it also means 2014 Nebula and Gamora get involved. In particular, the former’s able to sabotage everything by bringing the Mad Titan to the present day. Thankfully, the redeemed Nebula’s eventually able beat her past self and convince 2014 Gamora to switch sides and help her defeat Thanos.

This created an interesting arc for Nebula and gave Zoe Saldana something to do in the movie, but it has to be said that Endgame totally misrepresents what these two sisters were like in 2014. They’re both portrayed as loyal to Thanos here – Gamora to the point where she’d stand by and let him go for the Stones and Nebula to the point where she’d do anything to impress him.

This just doesn’t fit with how they were in Guardians of the Galaxy though. By Star-Lord’s visit to Morag in 2014, Gamora had already secretly defected from Thanos and was planning to hand the Power Stone to the Collector. Meanwhile, Nebula instantly went against her father when Ronan got his hands on the Stone. Neither would have stood by him as he went about completing his plan.

How Is The World Going To Deal With 50% Of The Population Suddenly Returning?

The Russos have been telling us for a year that Infinity War’s deaths would have consequences, which is something we struggled to grasp as it seemed certain that the heroes would just snap everyone back to life again, erase what happened and everything would be hunky dory. But that isn’t actually what transpired in Endgame. Instead, the heroes did reverse the snap – but five years later, so the world has still suffered these losses for half a decade.

We’re sure Marvel has some grand scheme here so that there’s a greater purpose to the time jump, but right now it’s raising huge questions about how many issues bringing 50% of the world’s population back in the blink of an eye is going to cause. Think about the sudden strain on food, resources and shelter that this would cause. The Avengers have literally created Thanos’ nightmare.

Emotionally too, this could be just as devastating for people as when the fallen went missing. Married folks may find their spouses have moved on. One twin may discover their sibling is five years older. Or, like Peter Parker, a kid might have to go back to a school which most of his friends graduated years ago.

Endgame leaves us to consider a truly messed-up world and it’s hard to imagine how future films will satisfactorily explore the ramifications of the heroes’ actions.

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