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The 10 Best Moments From James Mangold’s Logan

Logan has been receiving a great deal of critical acclaim since those first press screenings, and while Deadpool may have failed to break into this year's Academy Awards, there are those who believe that James Mangold's movie stands a very real chance of doing so, and we'd have to agree with them.

5) A Family Dinner

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Logan Charles

Logan is a movie packed full of awesomely bloody and violent action scenes, but it’s during one of its quieter moments that it may very well be at its best. After helping a family at the side of the road, Wolverine, Charles and Laura are invited back to their house for dinner and it’s here we get to see the trio find at least some happiness.

Even poor X-23 gets the chance to smile as she experiences the life of a normal child for the first time, and you have to hand it to Mangold for finding a way to really delve into their family dynamic in such a touching way. It sadly doesn’t last due to the fact that X-24 later slaughters the family, but it’s nice for those few hours, even if we ultimately see that it’s a life Wolverine can never truly have.

4) The Fall Of The X-Men

Logan is frustratingly vague when it comes to explaining what became of the X-Men, but we do ultimately learn what happened to some of them. It’s never made fully clear whether or not Rice’s genetic tampering also wiped out existing mutants, but the movie confirms that it was an out of control Professor X who killed at least seven of the heroes. That was during one of his seizures and a tearful Charles tragically remembers what he did in a confession to Wolverine, who’s quickly revealed to be X-24 (the clone then murders the Professor).

The film doesn’t provide a lot of definitive answers, but we can assume that Wolverine’s plan was to take Charles out to sea until his eventual death in order to protect people from him and to ultimately kill himself once his father figure – who he clearly couldn’t just take out given their history – had passed. That’s some dark stuff, and as good as it would have been to see what became of the team, perhaps that would have been a tad too grim.

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