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10 Proposed Guillermo Del Toro Movies That We Really Hope Get Made

Due to his unique visual style and imagination, the films of Guillermo del Toro – including Spanish language horror Pan’s Labyrinth and superhero movie Hellboy – have garnered the man a legion of passionate fans. However, the Mexican-born director is still clearly viewed as a bit of a weird one within the industry. Perhaps this is because, out of all his films, only Pacific Rim has been a real box office success.

5) Slaughterhouse-Five

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The novel Slaughterhouse-Five is a true original: Part war story, part memoir, part pulp sci-fi packed with time travel and aliens. Basically, it tells the story of Billy Pilgrim, who comes “unstuck in time” and lives the events of his life in a random order – events including fighting in World War II and being abducted by extra-terrestrials.

Del Toro was attached to bring the novel to the screen back in 2011 but the project got stalled. It’s a shame, too, as he’d be a great fit for the material. After all, he has previously balanced the seriousness of war with a more fantastical narrative in the likes of Pan’s Labyrinth and The Devil’s Backbone.

What’s more, the movie’s script would have been written by Charlie Kaufman, who is likewise an expert at combining the absurd with the dramatic in films like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Adaptation.

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