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10 Proposed Guillermo Del Toro Movies That We Really Hope Get Made

Due to his unique visual style and imagination, the films of Guillermo del Toro – including Spanish language horror Pan’s Labyrinth and superhero movie Hellboy – have garnered the man a legion of passionate fans. However, the Mexican-born director is still clearly viewed as a bit of a weird one within the industry. Perhaps this is because, out of all his films, only Pacific Rim has been a real box office success.

1) At The Mountains Of Madness

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Any Guillermo del Toro fan will know that the director’s biggest aim is to translate H.P. Lovecraft’s At The Mountains of Madness to the big screen. The story is a horror classic, focusing on the discovery of an ancient, alien civilization in the Antarctic.

His passion for the project, when it was most active at the end of the 00s, inspired other big Hollywood names to get involved. James Cameron was set to produce, bringing his state-of-the-art CGI from Avatar with him. Plus, Tom Cruise was going to star.


Sadly, At The Mountains of Madness is probably impossible to make without compromise. Del Toro’s ideal version is an R-rated, unflinching movie that needs a huge budget to do the story justice. No studio is going to agree to that as the chances of such a strange film making a big impression at the box office is pretty slim. As such, the project is looking more and more like a pipe dream.

But then again, who knows? As del Toro’s weird and wonderful filmography proves, stranger things have happened.

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