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7 Ways In Which The Force Awakens Has Changed The Star Wars Universe Forever

The trailers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens were spectacular, building yet even more anticipation for the motion picture event of the year, but many fans were still understandably hesitant about the final film. After all, those of us who are old enough to remember the last time Star Wars returned to our screens are still recovering from the trauma of Jar Jar Binks.

3) Now, It’s Personal…

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The spirit of Darth Vader lives on in his grandson Kylo Ren, who has become the new face of evil in the Star Wars universe. However, what sets him apart from previous villains in the franchise is that Kylo actively struggles with his chosen path, fighting hard to resist the temptation of the light side. It’s common for the Jedi to be lured by the dark side, but we’ve never seen this process in reverse before.

Kylo’s moral struggles will be brought to the fore in the next instalment, dealing with the repercussions of his actions from the climax of The Force Awakens. Not only did he kill his father, but Kylo also failed to defeat Rey and bring her to Supreme Leader Snoke. Kylo will now be more determined than ever to prove himself to Snoke, intensifying his hunt for Rey tenfold.


The stakes may affect the entire galaxy, but Kylo’s not the only one whose fight will become more personal. Leia has just lost the man she loved, so in her role as leader of the Resistance, she will do absolutely everything in her power to defeat Kylo and destroy the First Order once and for all.

Letting one’s emotions get in the way of such an important task may prove dangerous though, leading either side to make rash decisions that could cost them dearly…

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