2) Luke’s Return
The entire plot of The Force Awakens revolves around the search for a map that will reveal the location of Luke Skywalker, the famed Jedi who forced himself into exile following the death of his trainees. At the end of the film, Rey finally meets the fabled hero, returning his lightsaber to him so he can presumably return to the fray and save the Resistance.
Luke’s return will be crucial to the overall arc of the upcoming sequels, but it’s unclear exactly what role he’ll play. So far, Luke has been depicted as the saviour of the Resistance, but will everyone welcome him with open arms upon his return?
If Luke hadn’t abandoned the Resistance when he did, there’s a chance that many of the disastrous events that occurred during and even before The Force Awakens could have been avoided if he had stuck around. While his allies may forgive him quickly, there’s a strong chance that Luke will struggle to forgive himself, plagued with guilt over how his inaction caused the deaths of countless more, including an old friend…