2) Dr. Killebrew
In the original draft of the Deadpool screenplay, the defeated Ajax revealed to Wade that his true creator was Dr. Killebrew and that he’s the only one capable of repairing the scars covering the Merc with the Mouth’s body. An after-credits scene then showed the mysterious villain heading off into the unknown, and it seemed as if the stage was being set for the sequel to follow Deadpool’s attempts to track this guy down.
With Cable instead set to make his presence felt next time, it looks like the decision was made to drop that subplot, but it would still be interesting to bring Killebrew into this world.
[zergpaid]Deadpool is obsessed with killing the doctor, but it turns out that Killebrew actually cares a lot about the man he considers his greatest creation, attempting at one point to make up for his past misdeeds by saving Wade’s life.
Honestly, it’s tough to see how this could now factor into the follow-up without any prior set-up, but it’s a relationship which is worth exploring on the big screen at some point in the near future.