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8 Questions We Have After Watching Suicide Squad

When it was first announced that DC and Warner Bros. were planning on making Suicide Squad, a movie based on a fairly obscure team of supervillains, the question on many people’s lips was 'why?' Once we saw the terrific trailers, though, that question quickly morphed into 'can it live up to all the hype?'

8) What Does The Mid-Credits Scene Mean For The Future?

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Just to shake things up, let’s start with the final scene of the movie. In it, Amanda Waller meets Bruce Wayne for a secret deal. If he protects Waller from the fallout of Midway City and helps her hush it up, she’ll give him some handy files about the metahumans he wants to track down.


This scene raises a lot of questions, but thankfully they’re quite easy to answer. Clearly, Bruce getting those files directly leads into his making contact with the likes of Aquaman and the Flash in Justice League (which we saw in the Comic-Con trailer). And how can he protect Waller, as he claims? Well, possibly by talking to some of his well-connected business contacts. However, it’s more likely that he will do so with the help of his new superfriends.

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