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8 Questions We Have After Watching Suicide Squad

When it was first announced that DC and Warner Bros. were planning on making Suicide Squad, a movie based on a fairly obscure team of supervillains, the question on many people’s lips was 'why?' Once we saw the terrific trailers, though, that question quickly morphed into 'can it live up to all the hype?'

7) What Exactly Was The Enchantress’ Plan?

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Cara Delevingne in Suicide Squad

It’s hard not to say that the worst thing about Suicide Squad is Enchantress and how completely ineffectual she is as a villain. For starters, her big apocalyptic plan is left frustratingly unexplained.

As she explains at one point, Enchantress is bitter that the world she used to rule thousands of years ago now worships machines. So, in a delicious bit of irony to bring about humanity’s downfall, she builds her own machine (or big trash portal in the sky) to, um… Any ideas?

Well, presumably her ‘machine’ would destroy a lot of the manmade world but leave mankind alive, ready to fall at her feet again like the good ol’ days. So, while it’s not too hard for us to fill in the gaps, this still shows a disappointingly lazy attitude to storytelling.

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