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Sources Say The Batman Script Is Complete And Ben Affleck Is Happy With It

It's been a very busy couple of weeks for Warner Bros.' The Batman. Ever since Ben Affleck announced that he'd be departing the director's chair, which was fairly shocking, all anyone can talk about is who's going to replace him and what exactly's going on behind the scenes. Clearly, there's some trouble brewing on the project and speculation has been running rampant, with reports stating that the studio is looking to start from scratch and, most surprising of all, Affleck may not even remain on board to star.

It’s been a very busy couple of weeks for Warner Bros.’ The Batman. Ever since Ben Affleck announced that he’d be departing the director’s chair, which was fairly shocking, all anyone can talk about is who’s going to replace him and what exactly’s going on behind the scenes. Clearly, there’s some trouble brewing on the project and speculation has been running rampant, with reports stating that the studio is looking to start from scratch and, most surprising of all, Affleck may not even remain on board to star.

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So far though, Warner Bros. hasn’t commented on any of this and it all remains filed under the rumor category for the time being. That trend continues today as we now have word on a new development. Like the past few updates, this one comes from an external source, so take it as you will, but from what we’ve heard, the new script for The Batman has been handed in and both the studio and Affleck are quite pleased with it.

According to Variety’s Justin Kroll, the script was completed this month and it seems that everyone’s happy with what’s on the page:

Again, this hasn’t been confirmed by Warner Bros. just yet and it seems to contradict a few earlier reports that painted a much uglier picture (which was that the script was being completely overhauled, among other things). Who knows, though? Perhaps everything is back on track and maybe there’s nothing to worry about? At this point, we can’t really say. Until the studio lifts the veil of secrecy, all we can do is keep on guessing.

If true, though, this is definitely good news for fans. It means that the project isn’t as much of a mess as we’d been led to believe and even despite Affleck vacating the director’s chair, The Batman is still in a healthy state. Furthermore, if this latest bit of news is indeed accurate, it should mean that the wheels will start turning soon and hopefully, it won’t be too much longer now before a director is named. After all, that’d be the next logical step here assuming the script is complete.

For now, we’ll continue to wait for Warner Bros. to shed some light on the situation. Until they do, however, tell us, what do you think’s really going on with The Batman? Is it in as much trouble as previous reports have led us to believe, or is there nothing to worry about? Sound off with your thoughts in the comments section down below!

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